Our 2nd and Last Concert

 Today was the first day since we got here where we could just sleep in and didn’t have to be anywhere at any specific time.  All morning and early afternoon we could just do whatever we wanted.  We weren’t really close to the downtown area of Desenzano, but they had the buses here for us to go downtown if we wanted to.  We chose to just chill.  

I did wander to a grocery store to pick up something for later as we won’t have much time, nor places to go, to eat.  We’ll be leaving for our concert spot around 5:30 where we’ll do a bit of a sound check and short rehearsal for our concert at 9 pm.

I did take a couple of pictures while I was out.  A couple of the mountains across the lake.

Oh, and did I mention it was raining?  Yeah - a couple of downpours at times.  Another reason why we didn’t really feel like going into town.

And this is the Palace Hotel where we’re staying.  Quite a lovely spot and the nicest hotel yet in our travels here.

We just grabbed some lunch at the hotel.  When we walked in, there was Caroline Déry sitting there by herself.  So we joined her for some pleasant conversation.  She is, of course, our guest Soprano.  She hails from Quebec City and did her vocal Masters at Laurier.  Excellent singer, and the audience loves her!

Tonight we went to Cavriana for our concert.  It’s just south of where we’re staying.  Again, another successful performance and the audience loved us and also wanted an encore.  It was pouring rain, so they had to change the venue from a courtyard to an indoor auditorium.  But hey, can’t control that.  The mayor spoke to us afterward and they gave us eats and wine afterward.  Tons of food, and as much wine as we wanted.  Unfortunately, we couldn’t stay long as we had to get back because the bus drivers have to have so much sleep between duties.  As it was, we weren’t back until about 12:15 am and we are to be on the road by 9:30.

Anyway, our concert duties are done.  It was great - loved the music and the audiences were terrific.

Forgot to add the time while we were on the bus:

And we got back about 0:15


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