Our Last Full Day

Yesterday (July 6th) we got up and took 2 pictures.  Yep, that’s it.  We drove a good part of the day from Hergiswil, Switzerland, to Marco Polo Airport area.  This picture was of a stream running down a mountain in the Alps - of course I could only get the bottom 1/10 of it, or 1/20.  It was raining a bit.

We drove through an 18 km long tunnel.  On this highway pass over the Alps, you go THROUGH them, not over them.  That’s how they’ve made it possible to have trucks and buses go over.  Incredible.  The road we used going the other way used switchbacks.  There’s no way a truck or bus could get through.  But the highway is also plugged with vehicles.  Fortunately there weren’t a ton of trucks because it’s Saturday.  What they do is use traffic lights to stop traffic on the highway so there are no “plugs” in the tunnel itself.  Once we got through the traffic lights, it was pretty easy going the rest of the way.

Other than 2-3 stops for a bite to eat and, well, you know…we made it to our hotel near our airport around 3:30 pm.  We dragged all our luggage into the room (haven’t done that for a week) and repacked everything.  I have to make the big bag as light as possible because it has 3 bottles of wine in it!

We found a place for a bite to eat:

I’ve had enough Italian food to last me for a while - well, maybe not.  Anyway, it wasn’t a bad spot.  We just went back to our hotel and relaxed for the rest of the evening.

We got up this morning, had some breakfast in the hotel and went off to the airport.  We returned our car, which was small, but served us well, and went in.  What a schmazz in this airport.  I’ll leave it at that.  

Our flight home was very uneventful (yay).  I took a couple of pictures early on.  We must have circled out over Venice area.  These aren’t Venice, but near Venice.

And Italy has farm fields too.

After this, it was pretty much cloudy all the way home.  Once in a while we’d see something down there - water or land - I did see a bit of Iceland.

Anyway, we’re home now - around 6:00 pm on Sunday.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Welcome home! Can’t wait to see you and catch up. Have really enjoyed reading your blog. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Sue H.

  2. What an Amazing Trip!! Thanks for blogging and keeping all updated.. Glad you are home safe!


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