On to Munich

 This morning we got up after a good night’s sleep, packed up and headed off to Munich, via Liechtenstein and Austria.  Where else but in Europe can you be in 4 countries in one day…all before noon!

The speed limit in Switzerland is 120 kmh.  At the beginning of Austria, it was 130 kmh!  But after awhile, it was 120 the rest of the way - mostly.  With the little car we have, 110 is a struggle.

Not sure how fast this thing can go:

Unfortunately, it was a little rainy this morning and the Alps were covered with clouds, so couldn’t get any decent pictures of them as we left them behind.  Maybe when we return through Lucerne it will be better 🙏.

For a while it looked like we were just driving through Ontario.  Until we would see a sign here and there that was in German.

We found our hotel in downtown Munich around 3:30 this afternoon, got checked in, parked, and into our room for a nice break.  One thing we notice here in Europe (or at least the countries we’ve been in) is that the use of solar power is quite extensive.  This is out the back of our room at the hotel, as an example.

It’s raining here in Munich, so we decided to just run across the street to grab some dinner.  It was Mexican, but hey, any coat in a storm.  The food was quite good.

We’ll explore this town tomorrow.


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