Desenzano to Mantua to Verona

 Sorry, I’m late posting this - again.

Yesterday morning we were up and at ‘em early.

Just waiting outside the hotel for our buses.

Pertaining to our concert last night, someone in the audience sent this message to us:  

Good evening.  I attended your beautiful musical show in Cavriana this evening.  I was truly moved to hear the perfection of the instrumentalists and the great commitment they showed.  As I listened to the music I observed the impassive and concentrated faces of the musicians and I understood once again that as long as there are these angels playing AND as long as we have an audience that loves this great gift that is music, we will no longer have wars.  Thank you for the warmth you have sent us.  See you soon!  Joseph”

Beautiful message.  They actually want us to go back next year :/

Today was a drive to Mantua with a tour of part of the old town, then to Verona, where we’re staying for the next 3 nights.

When we arrived in Mantua, we met up with a tour guide for the town.  We went to the Basilica di Sant’Andrea - another beautiful church.

The art is incredible.  The picture below looks like this is all relief, but it’s just painting.

And this “crypt” contains the blood of Christ…purportedly.

And this is the organ, of course.

Now we’re back outside, and this is a statue of Virgil, the Roman epic poet.  He was born in Mantua in the late 1st century BC and lived through to the early 1st century AD.  His name is used a lot throughout the town for many things, like buildings, businesses, and the like.

We then visited the Teatro Bibiena.  Mozart actually played here.  Beautiful 18th century theatre that hosts many different concerts.  It was once used by the university to display various dissections and other scientific experiments.

I tried my best to sing and entertain the crowd, but they asked me to get off.

And this one is the Basilica di Santa Barbara, and the organ there.

And here’s a statue of Virgil in the large park named after him.

In the main square is an archeological dig.  The Roman ruins are here too.  They’re behind glass, so it’s a tad blurred.

And this is a photo of Lago di Mezzo - the intermediate lake between Lake Superior and Lake Inferior.

Had to take this picture of the clouds as we were on our way to Verona.  Looks like a fluffy white dog.

We arrived at our hotel in Verona - Hotel Leon D’Oro and basically just hung out there the rest of the afternoon/evening, even having dinner there with Eleanor and Paul.


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