
 We were able to sleep in this morning, which was great!  Gerard had to wake me up (that’s unusual).  He went off to breakfast while I enjoyed an espresso in our room, and he brought me back a croissant.  Good enough.

Today was just a lazy kind of day.  Didn’t do too much.  Our 2nd group of people will be coming in later today, so our full orchestra will be here!

We did wander out for some lunch, a cold one, and this!

Awesome gelato.  Mine was the Nutella.  Took a while to eat these.

We wandered a bit more and came across the Roman street they found in 1967 while working on another building.  It’s about 10-15 feet below current street level and is covered with a coloured glass, so it’s hard to see it and get a decent picture of it.  But it’s still there, intact, and apparently there was even a piece of the plumbing found, which was lead in those days.  No wonder the Roman Empire fell???  The Romans founded Cremona in 218 BC.  You can get better pictures online, if you’re interested.

Love how they serve the beer - in wine glasses.

A sort of typical street scene.

  We think it’s the Virgin Mary, with the baby Jesus in her arms.  This is just over the entrance to a street.  Nothing special about the street.

We chilled for a bit this afternoon, then went out around 6:30 or so to check out dinner in the rooftop restaurant.  Well, they don’t open until 7 pm.  In the meantime, we went to the lobby and met up with a bunch of people from the 2nd group who had arrived from home.  They also have this bar in the lobby called the “Honesty Bar”.  So I guess when we check out, we have to admit we’ve had a drink from there.  But it’s entirely a help yourself kind of thing.  Here I am serving wine to people.

So once we had chatted with people for an hour or so, Gerard and I headed up to the restaurant and had a nice meal.  Here are a couple of shots from the rooftop.


We retired right after dinner as we have a busy day tomorrow.


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